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A permanent visa that lets you continue investment and business activity in Victoria.

Cost: No fee

Nomination processing time: 20 business days

Read the Overview page for a summary of the requirements and how to apply.

Have this visa

You must currently hold a Victorian nominated Provisional Business Innovation stream (subclass 1visa and have held this visa for at least 4 years.

For more information, please refer to the Department of Home Affairs website: Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888) Entrepreneur stream.

Reside in Victoria

You must currently reside in Victoria and provide evidence, which may include:

  • tenancy agreement,
  • property ownership
  • school enrolment documents

You met your nomination obligations

You must have:

  • met the Victorian nomination conditions for the provisional Entrepreneur stream (subclass 188E) visa, and
  • met the conditions that you signed in the Nomination Conditions Form.

You will be required to provide evidence, which may include:

  • 3 photos of the business (external, internal and of the product or service)
  • Business activity statements (BAS)

Comply with the Department of Home Affairs' requirements

You must comply with the Department of Home Affairs requirements including financial and business performance requirements.

Department of Home Affairs and Skill Select

The Department of Home Affairs is responsible for all visa matters. This includes once you have been nominated by the Victorian government and have submitted your visa application.

All SkillSelect and EOI issues should also be directed to the Department of Home Affairs.


You must have completed surveys from the Victorian Government.

You must:

  • Notify us of any changes to your contact details, and
  • participate in any surveys that the Victorian Government may conduct.

You must engage in eligible business activity in Victoria.

The entrepreneurial activity must relate to an innovation that has led to the commercialisation of a product or service or the development of an enterprise or business in Victoria.

The entrepreneurial activity excludes the following activities:

  • labour hire
  • residential real estate
  • existing businesses
  • franchises

Successful entrepreneurial activities in Victoria

You must provide evidence you have undertaken successful entrepreneurial activities in Victoria while holding your subclass 188 Entrepreneur visa, which may include:

  • Australian Taxation Office (ATO) statements and/or Pay as You Go (PAYG) tax statements
  • commercial agreements/university partnership for supply distribution or manufacture of goods and services
  • bank loans, venture capital (VC) funding agreements
  • patent documents
  • proof of sale of venture
  • evidence of sponsorship from a company formal awards or recognition
  • a balance sheet and profit and loss statement for the last 2 years, and
  • business or company registration information (ASIC) and/or ABN.

When assessing a successful entrepreneurial activities in Victoria, we consider:

  • website information or online presence of your business
  • the number of Australian citizens and permanent residents, and New Zealand citizens that are employed in Victoria in relation to the activities
  • the level and nature of ongoing funding of, or investment in, the activities
  • the annual turnover of business in relation to the activities in Victoria, and
  • any endorsements of the applicant’s record by a body recognised by the nominating state or territory government agency as a start-up incubator, start-up accelerator or other body that assists start-up businesses.

We have a dedicated Relationship Management team to support and assist business and investor migrants nominated by the Victorian Government. 

Relationship Managers can help you:

  • understand Victoria’s target industry sectors,
  • find information about doing business or making investments, and
  • connect you with relevant Victorian Government services and programs relevant to your business.

Contact a Relationship Manager using this form.

Respond within two weeks

We may ask you for more information by email.

  • You will have two weeks to provide the requested information.
  • If you do not respond within two weeks, we may refuse your application.
  • Please check your junk mail and ensure the email address is added to your list of valid email addresses.

Incomplete applications

You must submit a complete application, including all relevant evidence to support your eligibility claims.

Do not ask for an update on your application

Please do not ask for an update on your application. We assess all applications in order of when they were submitted.

The assessment team is also responsible for responding to enquiries and we prioritise assessment of applications. Unnecessary enquiries slow down application processing times.

Submit your application via the portal

You must submit your application and all documents via the Live in Melbourne portal. We will not accept any applications, or documents via email.


You can withdraw your application at any stage. Please Contact Us to withdraw your application.

Nomination application fees

The Victorian Government does not charge any application fees for nomination.

False or misleading information

If you provide false or misleading information as part of your nomination application, you will be refused. We may also report it to the Department of Home Affairs who can conduct their own investigation. 

We conduct verification checks on many of the documents you provide. 

If you are aware of instances, or yourself are pressured to submit an application with false and misleading information, we encourage you to report this to the Department of Home Affairs.

Review of nomination decision

If you have been refused as you did not meet the eligibility requirements, you cannot request a review of your application. 

If you believe that we made an administrative error in refusing your nomination application, you can submit a request for us to review the application.


We do not provide renomination if you do not submit your visa application to the Commonwealth Government within 90 days.

If you do not submit your visa application, you must apply again for nomination.

For specific meanings related to all of Victoria’s business and investor visas, see our Glossary page.




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