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All clients and agents, including those who have already provided a PDF Appointment of Agent form will need to complete a digital Appointment of Agent form. A signed PDF will no longer be considered valid.  The videos below show how this process is completed.

How to move a client's existing account into your portal

How to sign an Appointment of Agent for a client already in your portal

How to sign an Appointment of Agent form for a new client without an existing account

What are the benefits of this approach?

The introduction of digital Appointment of Agent forms provides the following benefits:

  • Time - Agents no longer have to submit a request to Live in Melbourne to manually move a new client to their portal. This will happen automatically as soon as both client and agent have signed the form.
  • Ease of use - Agents will no longer need to ensure they have the latest PDF form, print it and arrange for the client to sign before scanning and sending to Live in Melbourne. The entire process is self-serve and completed online in minutes.
  • Security - The new process helps to ensure that the client has signed the document as access to their email account is required. The system also records the IP addresses of both agent and client when they sign the form.

My client is already in my agent portal, how do I get the digital form emailed to us both to sign?

Your client will still be in your agent portal however you won’t be able to submit any applications until the new digital form is signed.

The next time that you start a new application, the system will automatically send an email to both of you with a link to the digital form. You will not be able to submit any applications until both client and agent have signed the form.

My client already has a Live in Melbourne account, how do I transfer them to my agent portal?

From your agent portal, create a new client in your agent portal as if they didn’t already have an account. An email will be sent to you and your client with a link to the digital form for signing. Once both client and agent have signed, you will be able to submit applications.

My client doesn’t have an existing Live in Melbourne account, how do I get the digital form emailed to us both to sign?

Create a new client from your agent portal using the existing process. Once their account is created, you will see their name listed in the ‘Clients’ section of your portal. An email will be sent to both you and your client containing a link to the form for signing. You will not be able to submit any applications until both client and agent have signed the form.

Can I still get a copy of the form for my records?

Yes, a PDF copy of the form with all signatures will be emailed once both the agent and client have signed the form.

Does the digital form expire if it is not signed by a certain time?

Yes, the form must be completed within 72 hours. If both agent and client have not signed by then, the form will expire. You will need to request a new form be created.

My digital Appointment of Agent form has expired, how do I generate a new one?

If a form has expired as it was not completed within 72 hours, then you will need to request a new one. This can be done by completing the form.

Can I represent my employee or family member as an agent for Victorian nomination?

No, you cannot represent someone for nomination if you have any personal, financial or other interests that could, or could be seen to, influence the representation of a client.

If a conflict of interest is identified during the application assessment, the Appointment of Agent will be deemed invalid, and the application may be refused.




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