Many businesses need premises to operate. We can help get you started in your property search.
Securing a property for your business can be a long process. Use the information here to help speed up your search for a new business premises.
Business locations and commercial property types
Victorian businesses are usually based in commercial premises, such as offices, shops, factories or warehouses.
See Research your locationexternal link on the Business Victoria website for information about choosing your premises, including renting and buying.
Consumer Affairs Victoriaexternal link has also developed a guide to buying and selling residential property in Victoria. Although it is more targeted at residential premises, it does include tips on what to consider when buying property.
The Victorian Chamber of Commerceexternal link also has information about business services.
The Real Estate Institute of Victoria’s directoryexternal link is a resource to find commercial property agents in Victoria.
To search for commercial property for sale and rent, visit the following websites: