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Change of Jurisdiction

If you are nominated by Victoria and would like to move to another state or territory:

It is not the policy of the Victorian Government to issue Letters of Release or Change of Jurisdiction authority, except where extremely compelling or compassionate circumstances can be evidenced. It is the expectation that Victorian nominated migrants establish themselves in Victoria for their business and investment activities and we encourage you to consider meeting your Victorian nomination conditions rather than relocating to another state or territory. Each application is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Decisions on a Change of Jurisdiction are not the priority of the assessment team and most decisions take 6-8 weeks.

If you are nominated by another state or territory and would like to move to Victoria:

Business migrants holding state/territory nominated visas who have not had their provisional visa nominated by Victoria are required to apply for a Change of Jurisdiction.

To submit an application for Change of Jurisdiction authority – please attach the following:

  • Appointment of Agent form (if applicable)
  • Copy of the provisional visa grant notice
  • A formal Letter of Release from the original nominating state/territory
  • A completed (signed by the original nominating state or territory) Form 1414 (Part C)

Please note that the provision of these documents does not guarantee the applicant a positive outcome to their Change of Jurisdiction to Victoria application.

Are you an agent or acting on someone else's behalf? *

Please enter your name and email address

Enter your name as it appears on your passport *

Please enter (and re-enter to verify) your email address *

Please provide your nomination application number, opportunity number and date of birth *

Please select your visa type *

Details of your enquiry *

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Please upload any documents related to your enquiry *




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